In February this year, Sony Pictures India announced that they would back the film adaptation of the popular superhero TV show Shaktimaan. In a recent conversation with Amar Ujala, Mukesh Khanna, the OG Shaktimaan, shared that the film is being made on a budget of Rs 300 crore. He said, "This project has come to me after many years. People used to tell me to make Shaktimaan 2. I didn't want to bring Shaktimaan back on TV. After internal talks, I joined hands with the Sony people and later made the news public. People want to know what's happening next? Now what should I tell them? This is a big film of at least Rs

300 crore. Can't tell much about it till everything is finalised."

On being asked about the film, he further added, "This movie is being made by the makers of Spider-Man. But, Shaktimaan will be desi. I have prepared the story of the film in my own way. My only condition to them was that they wouldn't change the story. People ask who will become Shaktimaan? This is also a very big question in itself, which I will not answer, but it is also certain that without Mukesh Khanna, there will be no Shaktimaan. Because if someone else becomes Shaktimaan, then the whole country will not accept him."
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