Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan made a few revelations related to mother-in-law Sharmila Tagore. The actress recorded a video message for Sharmila in which she disclosed that the veteran actress hasn't met the 'the little one' yet and they had been eagerly waiting for it to happen. Kareena and Saif were blessed with a baby boy on February 21 this year. This is the couple's second child after elder son Taimur, who is four years old. 

In a video message for a session of Ladies Study Group, featuring Sharmila Tagore, Kareena said, "I've deep, deep respect and regard for you and I think the fact

that this whole year has gone by when we have actually not been able to spend as much time as we did before the pandemic. You've not been able to see the little one, the new addition in the family. We are waiting to actually come together as a family, spend some time together with you."

Kareena added: "I'm lucky enough to actually know deeper than that which is that she's warm, she's loving, she's caring. Someone who is always there not just for her children, but also for her grandchildren, also for her daughter-in-law. Somebody who has always been so inclusive of me, made me feel part of this family."
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