It was on the afternoon of December 24, 2022 that the TV industry received the shocking news of Tunisha Sharma’s death. The actress reportedly died by suicide on the sets of her show, Ali Baba: Dastaan-E-Kabul. It was her co-star and ex-boyfriend Sheezan Khan who had taken her to the hospital. Based on Tunsiha’s family’s complaint, Sheezan was taken to custody the very next day, on December 25. It is now that he has been granted bail. Sheezan spoke up for the first time after getting bail, and remembered Tunisha. He also felt that she would have fought for him had she been alive.

Sheezan Khan opened up for the first time after being granted bail. Speaking to ETimes, he remembered Tunisha and said, “I miss her and if she was alive, she would have fought for me.” It has also been

said that Tunisha and Sheezan had broken up just 5 days before her death.

Opening up about the bail, he said, “Finally, I am with my family! It’s an overwhelming feeling. All I want to do for a few days is lie in my mother’s lap, eat food cooked by her, and spend time with my sisters and brother.”

His sister, actress Falaq Naaz, said, “We are happy that he is back. We will need some time to process this. Sheezan is finally out, and we are grateful to everyone who stood by us.”

Sheezan Khan’s mother and his sisters had been constantly trying to get bail for him. They even held a press conference back in January. His mother had also claimed that Tunisha’s mother, Vanita, was torturing Sheezan with her allegedly baseless allegations.
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