Actor Shreyas Talpade recently suffered a near-fatal heart attack, following which he underwent an angioplasty. The actor has now come forward and spoken about the horrific experience that has changed his perspective on life. In an interview with Times of India, the 47-year-old actor said, ''I was never hospitalised before in my life, not even for a fracture so I didn't see this coming. Don't take your health for granted. Jaan hai toh Jahaan hai. An experience like this changes your perspective towards life.''

Talking about how one takes health for granted, he said, ''I started doing theatre at 16, became a professional actor at 20. For the past 28 years, I have just been focussing on my career. We take our families for granted. We think we have time. As a nation we are not high on preventive care. I have seen my parents and their generation ignoring their

health, too. We work hard for our survival but is it worth it? If you are not alive what’s the point of it anyway?''

During the chat, he also revealed that he has a family history of heart problems and how he was taking precautions. ''For the past two and a half years I have been working nonstop and travelling extensively for my films, Pushpa (lends his voice for the main character in Hindi) or shows. However, for the last few months, I was feeling extremely fatigued. It was slightly unusual but since I was working nonstop, I thought I was just a little exhausted which is normal. I loved what I was doing so I kept going. Of course, I got myself checked. I got an ECG, 2D Echo, sonography and blood tests done. My cholesterol was high, and I was taking medication for that. I’ve had a family history of heart ailments, which is why I was taking precautions.''
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