Shah Rukh Khan recently attended the ongoing Kolkata International Film Festival. The 28th edition of KIFF is being held in Nandan, Kolkata. SRK was among many eminent celebrities present at the film festival. The superstar was felicitated by the Bengali actress Subhashree Ganguly. After being felicitated, SRK touched Amitabh Bachchan and Jaya Bachchan's feet at KIFF. At the event, the Bollywood superstar also spoke about social media as a tool in today's times. His speech comes right amid the calls for a boycott of his film Pathaan.

At the 28th Kolkata International Film Festival, Shah Rukh Khan said, "Cinema and the advent of articulation through social media platforms have become the foremost expression of human experience and emotion. The collective narrative of the times is shaped by social media. Contrary to the

belief that the spread of social media will affect cinema negatively. I feel that cinema has an even more important role to play now. Social media is often driven by a certain narrowness of view that limits human nature to itself. And it's somewhere negativity increases social media consumption and thereby increases its commercial value as well. Such pursuits enclose the collective narrative, making it divisive and destructive."

The actor further mentioned, "Cinema exposes the vulnerability of human nature by telling stories in their simplest form as they are lived. It allows us to know each other better. In a way, it is best placed to sustain a collective counter-narrative that speaks to the larger nature of human kind. A narrative that brings to the fore humanity's immense capacity for compassion, unity and brotherhood."
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