Sonam Kapoor has added yet another feather in her hat! Set to share the stage with global icons such as Lionel Richie, Katy Perry and Tom Cruise, the actress will be the only Indian to attend King Charles' Coronation Concert. She has been invited to deliver an exclusive spoken word piece at the highly-anticipated King Charles III's Coronation Concert where she will be introducing Steve Winwood and the exclusive Commonwealth virtual choir on May 7, at Windsor Castle, United Kingdom.

On May 6, the Coronation of His Majesty the King and Her Majesty the Queen Consort will be held at Westminster Abbey, followed by a celebratory concert on May 7 at Windsor Castle. The concert will feature global music icons and contemporary stars celebrating the historic occasion.

On the occasion, Sonam mentioned, "I am honoured to join the Commonwealth virtual choir for this ceremony, celebrating His Majesty's love for music and art. It's a momentous occasion that signifies a commitment to a positive, inclusive, and optimistic future for the United Kingdom, with the

Choir's music paying tribute to the royal legacy and promoting unity, peace, and joy."

Introducing them, Sonam will be the only Indian celebrity to be present and participate in this historic event. Hosted by Hugh Bonneville, the concert will celebrate the Coronation of Their Majesties The King and The Queen in front of 20,000 members of the public and invited guests, as well as millions watching around the world.

While this will be Sonam's first royal appearance, Tom was a guest at Princess Diana's funeral in 1997, Pooh was invited to a children's garden party at Buckingham Palace for Queen Elizabeth II's 80th anniversary in 2006 and Pussycat Dolls lead Nicole Scherzinger took part in a pageant in honour of Queen Elizabeth's Platinum Jubilee last year.

It will feature artists such as Katy Perry, Lionel Richie, Andrea Bocelli, Sir Bryn Terfel, Freya Ridings, Alexis Ffrench and a collaboration of five Royal patronages amongst others, whilst stars including Tom Cruise, Dame Joan Collins and Sir Tom Jones will appear via video message.
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