Playback singer Sonu Nigam recently shared his views on music composer AR Rahman, describing him as a reserved individual. In an interview, Nigam mentioned that Rahman tends to keep a distance from people and is not particularly sociable. He noted that while Rahman is a genius in his field, he prefers to maintain personal space and does not let many people get close to him.
While speaking to O2 India, Sonu Nigam discussed his bond with AR Rahman. Additionally, he also highlighted the latter's personality and work ethics. He said, "He doesn’t have relationships. He is not the kind of person who has relationships."
Sonu continued, "He doesn’t open up to anyone. At least, I have never seen that. Perhaps, he opens up in front of his older friends, who have known him as Dileep. But I haven’t seen him opening up or having any relationship with anybody. He is not a friendly person. He is just into his work."
Talking about AR Rahman's focused
demeanor, Sonu Nigam recalled an incident from their USA tour. "He doesn’t know how to gossip, and that is not his drawback. This is how he is. He doesn’t want to know anything about me or anybody else and he doesn’t want anybody else to know about him also. He is a unique personality", the singer added.
Sonu further shared, "He does his work and his prayer. He doesn’t behave badly with anyone. He will not hurt anybody’s heart. He won’t speak ill about anyone. He is detached to all of this. He must be attached to his family but I haven’t seen him being very friendly with others. He doesn’t let anyone come close to him. That’s how it should be."
Sonu Nigam and AR Rahman have crafted timeless melodies through iconic collaborations like Satrangi Re (Dil Se), Chhoti Si Aasha (Roja), and Aayo Re Sakhi (Water). Blending Sonu's versatile vocals with Rahman's innovative compositions, their work transcends genres and languages, leaving a lasting impact on Indian music.