Actor Sonu Sood and filmmakers Anurag Kashyap and Anubhav Sinha on Wednesday shared they have received the first dose of the coronavirus vaccine. Like other celebrities, Sonu, Anurag and Anubhav also posted about the vaccination process on social media handles to encourage their fans to get themselves vaccinated.
Sharing a picture of himself receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, Sonu Sood wrote on Twitter, “Got my vaccine today and
now it’s time to get whole of my country vaccinated. Started the biggest vaccination drive Sanjeevani which will bring awareness and get our people vaccinate.”
While Anubhav Sinha posted a smiling picture of himself after receiving the vaccine. “Done!!!” he wrote alongside the photo. Anurag Kashyak posted an Instagram story featuring himself wearing a mask and pointing towards his left arm, gesturing he received the vaccine.
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