The second season of Telugu Indian Idol had a grand finale night, and Visakhapatnam’s Soujanya Bhagvatula won the popular singing reality show. Soujanya was rewarded with the winner's trophy for her hard work and competitive spirit by none other than famous star Allu Arjun. The Pushpa actor graced the grand finale as the special guest, and he awarded Bhagvatula with the trophy. Soujanya is a professional singer and the mother of a two-year-old daughter. After the winner's announcement, Soujanya thanked her

husband in her speech. She admired his support and acknowledged his efforts so that she could concentrate on her journey. 

To claim the trophy, Soujanya beat Jayaram from Hyderabad, Laasya Priya from Siddipet, Sruthi from New Jersey, and Karthikeya from Hyderabad. Telugu Indian Idol Season 2 featured renowned composer SS Thaman, and singers Geetha Madhuri, and Karthik as judges. Started in 2022, the second season streamed on aha, and it became a bigger success than it's previous season. 
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