Shah Rukh Khan is gearing up for the release of Pathaan, slated to hit screens on January 25. The biggie has created a great deal of buzz among fans as it features him in a new avatar. In the latest development, 50,000 SRK admirers will come together on the big day to watch it 'First Day First Show'. Pathaan is action-thriller, directed by Siddharth Anand.

As many as 50,000 SRK fans from different cities are coming together to watch Pathaan ‘First Day First Show’ on January 25. The event is being organised by SRK Universe, a fan club dedicated to Bollywood's King.

There are likely to be 200 such screenings across the country.

"Mumbai will have 7 to 8 first day first show celebrations, Delhi will have 6. Likewise, there will be multiple shows in the big cities. We will not just limited ourselves with first day first show, but will continue watching the film over the first day and also the republic day weekend,(sic)" the club's co-founder Yash told Pinkvilla.

He also plans to distribute Pathaan-centric merchandise.

Going by this, Pathaan's release is nothing short of a festival for SRK fans.
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