There's no stopping Shah Rukh Khan's action film at the box office. The first big release of 2023, Pathaan has already shattered various records and it has only been three days since its release. On Day 3, the movie maintained its momentum and fans turned up in large numbers to watch the action film on the big screens. The collections on Friday for Pathaan have been glorious and it has set the tone for even bigger figures on Saturday and Sunday. 

Pathaan earned Rs 219 crore worldwide in two days after it was released on January 25. While on Day 1, it earned Rs 106 crore, on the second day, which was also the Republic Day holiday, the collections grew slightly and crossed Rs 113 crore mark. The cumulative two-day collections of the film worldwide stood at Rs 219 crore. This is an unprecedented figure as far as Hindi films go. On Day 3, the film

managed to hold its grip over the audience and fans turned up in large numbers to watch SRK's swag in a never-seen-before avatar. 

As per Taran Adarsh, Pathaan collected Rs 14 crore till 6 pm on Friday in national multiplex chains PVR, INOX and Cinepolis. The collections will rise during evening time as most screens will run housefull. He dubbed the film's performance on a non-holiday as 'fantastic'. 

Shah Rukh Khan's Pathaan is doing tremendous numbers in mass circuits. The momentum in the Hindi belts is great and the collections will only rise from here. A Box Office India report claimed that Pathaan's collections are proof that stardom does not subside if some films of a star as big as SRK don't do well at the box office. The movie has also breathed life into single screens across India, especially in the North.
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