Pathaan is all set to release in less than 10 days and Shah Rukh Khan’s fans can hardly keep calm. The film, which also stars Deepika Padukone as the female lead and John Abraham as the antagonist, will mark SRK’s comeback after over four years. Now, it has been learnt that the film has received a UA certificate from the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC). And fans would also be up for a treat since they would get to see their favourite superstar in action for over two hours!

Shah Rukh Khan’s Pathaan, directed by Siddharth Anand, had received a UA certificate from the CBFC. According to trade analyst Taran Adarsh, the film received its certificate on January 2, 2023. The film’s runtime is 146.16 minutes- which is 2 hours and 26 minutes.

Earlier on January 16, the Delhi High Court directed Yash Raj Films to prepare subtitles, close captioning and audio description in Hindi for the film. The reason behind that is for the visually impaired and the hearing impaired audience to enjoy the film too. However, it should be noted that changes have been asked to make just on

the OTT platforms. The court hasn't passed any directions for Pathaan's theatrical release. The Delhi HC also told YRF to submit the film with the changes to the Central Board Of Film Certification (CBFC) again by February 20. The CBFC will pass its decision by March 10.

It was earlier being said that CBFC had also suggested an array of cuts in the film before its release. As per a Bollywood Hungama report, three changes were made to Besharam Rang. It included a close-up butt shot of Deepika, a golden swimsuit pose and certain visuals of her sensuous dance movements during 'bahut tang kiya' were to be changed. It has been replaced with 'suitable shots' in the film.

Reportedly, Pathaan received more than 10 cuts, including trimming some of the sensuous moves in the song. Some of the dialogue revisions apparently include Langde Lulle to Toote Foote, Ashok Chakra to Veer Puraskar, ex-KGB with ex-SBU and Mrs Bharatmata with Hamari Bharatmata. However, the song and the outfit remain unchanged. A few revisions to the shots have been advised, but overall, the outfit gets a pass from CBFC.
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