SS Rajamouli's period action film RRR has emerged as the highest grossing Indian film in Japan, the makers announced Friday. The official Twitter handle of RRR shared a poster which stated that the Golden Globe-nominated film raised over 410 million yen at the Japanese box office since its release in the country on October 21. "Delighted to share that #RRRMovie is now the highest grossing film with the highest footfall recorded for an Indian film in Japan! Thank you for all the love you showered on our stars and director ever since the film's release," the post read.

Released theatrically in March, RRR raised over ₹ 1,200 crore at the global

box office. The Hindi version of the film premiered on Netflix on May 20 and soon became the most popular movie from India on the streamer globally.

A pan-India film, RRR follows a pre-independence fictional story woven around two real-life Indian revolutionaries -Alluri Sitarama Raju (Ram Charan) and Komaram Bheem (Jr NTR) - in the 1920s.

After the movie reached overseas territories, it received unanimous praise from foreign critics and audiences.

The makers are currently gearing up for the Hollywood award season where RRR recently received nominations for the Golden Globes and Critics Choice Awards.
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