After more than three months of competition, India's Best Dancer Season 4 has found its winner in Shillong's Steve Jyrwa. Apart from taking home the trophy and a car, he was also awarded with Rs 15 lakh cash prize. His choreographer Raktim Thakuria was handed a prize money of Rs 5 lakh. Steve defeated Harsh Keshri, Nextion, Nepo, Akanksha Mishra aka Akina, and Aditya Malviya in the finale.

India's Best Dancer marked the debut of Bollywood star Karisma Kapoor as a judge. She joined choreographers Geeta Kapur and Terence Lewis on the judges' panel. The dance-reality show was hosted by Jay Bhanushali and Aniket Chauhan.

Karisma Kapoor called Steve's journey 'nothing short of remarkable'. She said in a

statement, "From the moment he first performed, he captured our attention with his incredible talent, raw energy, and his fast footwork. Steve has set a new standard on this stage with his livewire performances. It was a tough decision to make. But his win is truly well-deserved, and we are all incredibly proud of what he has achieved."

Steve, on his part, added, "Winning India's Best Dancer is a dream come true. This journey was full of learning and challenges, filled with long hours of practice, dedication, and constant learning, but it has also been incredibly rewarding. A huge thank you to my choreographer, Raktim Thakuria, and all those who supported me in this journey. This win is not just mine, it’s for everyone who believed in me.”
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