Sunil Shroff who had recently appeared in the film OMG 2 featuring Pankaj Tripathi and Akshay Kumar is no more. The actor's reason for death is yet to be revealed. Cine & TV Artistes’ Association (CINTAA), which is a trade union that looks after the rights & welfare of its members in the entertainment industry took to social media to share the sad news. Sharing the poster, the caption read, "CINTAA expresses its condolences on the demise of Sunil Shroff" (Non-Member) #condolence #condolencias #restinpeace #rip #sunilshroff #condolencemessage

#heartfelt #cintaa.

Sunil Shroff has also appeared in the film Shidat in which he played the role of Mohit Raina's father. The film also featured Sunny Kaushal, Radhika Madan, and Diana Penty among others. He also worked in the film titled Kabaad- The Coin. Not only in films, but he had worked in a series including Julie, Jaghanya, Abhay and The 

He has worked in many commercials and actively posts them on Instagram. He had recently shared a picture with Pankaj Tripathi after the success of their film OMG 2 .
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