After the grand success of Gadar 2, actor Sunny Deol is all set to rock the big screens again with his next movie, which is a pan-India film, titled Jaat. The makers of the film along with the actor released a new poster along with its release date. The film has locked April 10, 2025, as its theatrical release date. Jaat is a pan-India film and will hit the big screens in Hindi, Telugu and Tamil.
Gopichand Malineni and Sunny Deol took to social media to share the exciting news about the release of Jaat. "#JAAT GRAND
RELEASE WORLDWIDE ON APRIL 10th In Hindi, Telugu and Tamil MASS FEAST GUARANTEED Directed by @dongopichand Produced by @MythriOfficial & @peoplemediafactory A @musicthaman Mass Beat," the actor wrote on his social media handle.
In the film's teaser, unveiled in December 2024, fans got a glimpse of the actor wielding a bazooka, hinting at the explosive action sequences that await. The film is expected to showcase thrilling stunts and jaw-dropping action scenes, with Deol leading the charge in a style only he can bring to the screen.