Back in July 2022, IPL founder Lalit Modi shocked everyone by sharing intimate photos with Sushmita Sen. He confirmed that he was dating her and that marriage was on the cards. However, they broke up later. Now, in an interview with Mid-Day, Sushmita has opened up about her brief romance with Lalit Modi. The actress said that while it was “just another phase,” she was amused by people calling her a 'gold digger'. Sushmita also revealed if she was ever going to marry Rohman Shawl.

Sushmita Sen said that she took to social media only once to clarify that she's not married. “I just put out one post on Instagram because sometimes I think when people keep quiet, their silence is mistaken for weakness or fear. I just needed to put out one post to let them know I am laughing. After that, I was done with


“Memes bahut mast aa rahe hain. Mazza aa raha hai. But kya hai, kisi ko agar aap golddigger bulate ho toh usey monetise toh mat karo kum se kum. (I'm enjoying all the memes, but if you're calling someone a golddigger, at least don't monetise her). And check your facts. Mujhe gold nahi diamond pasand hain (I like diamonds, not gold). Anyway, that was another experience, another phase, and things happened. And if I was going to marry someone, I'd be married to them. I don't try. I either do or I don't,” Sushmita added.

Sharing the photos, he wrote, "Just back in london after a whirling global tour #maldives # sardinia with the families - not to mention my #better looking partner @sushmitasen47 - a new beginning a new life finally. Over the moon. In love does not mean marriage YET. BUT ONE THAT For sure (sic)."
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