Days after suffering a massive heart attack, the Bollywood beauty, Sushmita sen is back in action. She walked the ramp as a showstopper at Lakme Fashion Week on day 3. Three days ago, Sushmita shared a picture in which she was seen stretching and working out. She wrote that she was given the clean chit by her cardiologist. 

The official Instagram handle of the fashion week shared a video of Sushmita. The actor walked the ramp in a dull yellow lehenga and minimal jewellery. She left her hair open and had a bindi adorning her forehead. She walked carrying a

flower bouquet and handed it over to the paparazzi who were stationed at the end point of the ramp.

For the unversed, a few days ago, Sushmita shocked her fans by sharing the news of suffering a heart attack. She revealed that the heart attack was 'massive' and that there was 95 percent blockage in the main artery. She said that she survived the attack only because of her active lifestyle and that she is extremely lucky to be on the other side of this. Last week, she said she has been declared ‘cleared’ by her doctors. She has now started exercising at home. 
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