An unidentified man caused a stir during a film shoot involving Bollywood actor Salman Khan in Mumbai. The man, who claimed to be a fan of the actor, entered the shooting site without authorisation and was noticed by members of the crew. Upon being questioned on the spot, he reportedly uttered, "Bishnoi ko bolun kya" (Should I inform Bishnoi?).
Security personnel immediately alerted the local police after a brief altercation with the man. He was then taken to Shivaji Park Police Station for questioning.
The police said that the
man confessed that he is a fan of Salman Khan and wanted to watch the shoot. However, the situation escalated when security guards denied him access, leading to an argument during which he mentioned Lawrence Bishnoi.
The suspect, a resident of Mumbai, is currently being questioned by the police. Authorities have also checked his background but have not found anything suspicious so far.
The man's presence on set caused a stir as Salman Khan has been granted heavy security after being on the receiving end of back-to-back threats.