Nayak appeared in nearly 100 Hindi and Gujarati films, apart from featuring on more than 300 TV serials. The veteran actor was also known for his work in the Gujarati theatre. Earlier this year, during his chemotherapy, Nayak had shot for a special episode of "Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah". He is survived by his wife and three children.Ghanshyam Nayak alias #Natukaka made the whole country laugh with his character..
— CA Akhil Pachori (@akhilpachori)
Some characters can be played by other actors but they can be brought to life only by few..#Natukaka #TMKOC
href="">October 3, 2021
Deeply saddened hearing Nattu kaka is no more. RIP. Om shanti
— Deepshikha (@Tweet_Kar_Yaar) October 3, 2021
Thanks for filling our lives with laughter. You will remain in hearts as one of the best comedian. #NattuKaka #natukaka #tmkoc
Do you think AAP will perform better in Delhi polls without alliance?