Actor Tabu is set to reunite with Akshay Kumar and renowned director Priyadarshan for their upcoming project, Bhooth Bangla. Following her recent work in Dune Prophecy, the versatile actor revealed that she has been cast in the much-anticipated horror-comedy. On Saturday, Tabu shared a glimpse of her first day on set, exciting fans about the new collaboration.
The trio is fondly remembered for their iconic work in
the cult classic Hera Pheri. Tabu shared a picture of a clapboard with candles placed in the foreground on Saturday. The text on the clapboard read, "Balaji Telefilms Ltd Presents Bhooth Bangla." Captioning the post, she wrote, “Hum yahan bandh hain (We are trapped here).”
Directed by Priyadarshan, Bhooth Bangla is produced by Shobha Kapoor, Ektaa R Kapoor, and Akshay Kumar's production house, Cape of Good Films.