Actor Tabu's team slammed online portals which allegedly carried her false 'undignified statements' about marriage and men. They claimed that a few websites carried the actor's fabricated statements, demanding an apology for the 'breach of ethics'.
Tabu's team issued a statement on the matter. It read, "There are several websites and social media handles that have falsely attributed certain undignified statements to Tabu. We would like to clarify that she never made these quotes, and it is a serious breach of ethics to mislead the audience. We demand that these websites remove the fabricated quotes immediately and issue a formal apology for their actions."
Tabu starred in a love story, Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha, with Ajay Devgn. Speaking to India
Today Digital, the actor shared her take on age and romance. "I don't think it’s about older people falling in love and celebrating it, because if we are talking about that, then it’s sort of being ageist about love and romance. It is a story that required somebody like him and me to play the journey of these characters."
The actor further opined, “But definitely, romance and the depiction of romance and love have gone through a huge change and growth in cinema. Whether we're talking about young people romancing or middle-aged people romancing or 30-year-olds or 40-year-olds or 80-year-olds or whatever, there is space for every age group and every story to be told. Especially with the advent of OTT and television, people are more open to being fed more different stuff."