Tamil actor Mohan who was known for his comedic supporting roles in the movies of the late 80s and 90s has passed away at the age of 60. He was reportedly found dead on a street in the Thiruparankundram area of Madurai, Tamil Nadu. The actor was in deep poverty for quite some time and had been struggling to get work. His wife had passed away years earlier and since then, he mostly made a living out of begging. 

Mohan portrayed the best of Kamal Haasan in the 1989 film Apoorva Sagodharargal. The actor who is seen in a blue shirt, also appeared in a few films including Adhisaya Manithargal and Bala’s Naan Kadavul, which featured Arya in the lead role. 

After this, Mohan moved to Thiruparankundram a few

years ago from his hometown because he had no prospects to work in films anymore. Later, he used to beg on the main chariot road because of a lack of money. Locals found him lying dead on the road.  Such was the condition, that he was not even recognisable. The police recovered his body and sent it to Madurai Government Hospital for post-mortem. It was not only after the police investigated the matter, that the victim also
turned out to be Mohan. The actor is said to have died from natural causes as he had been battling ill health.

Mohan even though he had less screen time presence and fewer roles to play in the film industry, yet he made his mark and played the roles given to him with sheer dedication and distinctive flair.
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