Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah has seen the exit of another actor. Raj Anadkat, who played the role of Tapu in the long-running comedy show for five years since 2017, bid farewell to the fans in an Instagram post. Earlier, speculation was rife that Raj quit TMKOC but nothing was confirmed until now. Raj shared a lengthy note on his Instagram handle on December 6, confirming that he will no longer be seen in Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah. He also thanked the fans for their continued support and love through the years.  

Raj wrote in an Instagram note, "Hello Everyone, It's time to lay all questions and speculation to rest. My association with Neela Film Productions and Taarak Mehta ka Ooltah Chashmah has officially ended. It has been a

wonderful journey of learning, making friends and having some of the best years of my career.”

He continued, "I would like to thank everyone who supported me in this journey - The entire team of TMKOC, my friends, family and of course all of you (red heart emoji). Everyone who welcomed me into the show and loved me as 'TAPU ' Your love for my craft has always pushed me to give my best to each and every one of you, every single time.”

Raj also wished his TMKOC colleagues the best of luck in his Instagram post. “I wish the team of TMKOC all the very best for the future of the show. I'll be back to entertain all of you very soon. Keep showering your love and support (red heart and folded hands emojis).- Raj Anadkat," he concluded.
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