Tamil actor Joseph Vijay, better known as Thalapathy Vijay, has worked in many hit and blockbuster films in his long career. With his popularity, of course, fan following of his massive. The actor who recently reached Kerala to shoot for his upcoming film was met with thousands of fans welcoming him. With this fan frenzy, Thalapathy Vijay's car got damaged and the video of this is now going viral on social media.
In the video, it can be seen, that the moment Thalapathy Vijay reached
Thiruvananthapuram, fans couldn't contain excitement and were desperate to catch a glimpse of the actor. Amid this, the glass of the actor's car was broken and dents were also visible.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Thalapathy Vijay will next be seen in Greatest of All Time (GOAT). Recently, the poster of the film was unveiled by the makers. Apart from Thalapathy Vijay, Prabhu Deva, Prashant and Ajmal will also feature in the film. The film will reportedly release by the end of this year.