Telugu Indian Idol, which streamed on aha, won a lot of love and attention from the audience. Now, the second season of the music reality show is all set to stream on the OTT platform. This season will see composer SS Thaman, singers Geetha Madhuri and Karthik as the judges. More details regarding the streaming date and the contestant list will be out soon.

Indian Idol has a massive fan following across the country. The Telugu version of the show won everyone's attention in its first season.

The second season is currently progressing. Thaman recently shot for the inaugural episode. He will judge the show along with Geetha Madhuri and Karthik.

In a statement, Thaman said, "Telugu Indian Idol has been very close

to my heart because I have been associated with it since the first season. I feel emotional and proud that the show's second season is being launched. No singing reality show celebrates music like aha does with Telugu Indian Idol, and I'm confident this season will raise the bar higher."

Similarly, Geetha Madhuri said, "Music has been my way of life since my childhood, and I'm honoured to be able to share my experience with the budding singers coming on the show. This season will truly be epic, with much importance given to quality and taking singing and the show's production value to the next level. The heart-warming stories of the contestants will also inspire many people across the country."

The show will be hosted by Hema Chandra.
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