Renowned filmmaker Sudipto Sen has been experiencing a remarkable journey with the success of his recent thought-provoking movie, The Kerala Story, featuring Adah Sharma. The film has captivated the entire nation's attention, stirring conversations and debates. However, amidst this exhilarating phase, Sudipto Sen faced a setback as he fell ill and required hospitalisation. He was diagnosed with dehydration and an infection, leading to his admission at the renowned Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital in Mumbai. In a recent interview, the director shed light on his hospitalisation and provided an update on his health.

Speaking with the Times Of India, Sudipto Sen said, "I am admitted at the Kokilaben hospital for

dehydration and infection. But it’s all under control now. I am likely to be discharged today. I am going to request the doctor to let me go home." 

However, the director admitted that he is not particularly satisfied with The Kerala Story's box office performance. "I still want more people to see The Kerala Story. I want the message to go out as far as possible. I want at least ten percent of the Indian population in the world to watch my film. Only then will I consider it a real success. Money is definitely important, but when I started working on this subject, I didn't think of it. Believe me, nine years or more, I got up every morning feeling frustrated that I am unable to do anything," said Sen. 
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