The makers of the ongoing controversial movie, 'The Kerala Story' met the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Yogi Adityanath. Lead actor Adah Sharma, director Sudipto Sen, producer and creative Vipul Amrutlal Shah were present to talk and mingle with the political leader. Yesterday, the film was declared tax-free in Uttar Pradesh. During the meeting, the team discussed the film with CM Yogi and Vipul Shah urged him to watch the film.

While expressing gratitude for making the film tax-free in UP, director Sudipto Sen shared, "We came to thank the Honorable Chief Minister to declare the film tax-free and giving a chance to the citizen of Uttar Pradesh to watch this film." Producer Vipul Shah also added, "Uttar Pradesh government and Yogi ji have taken this step and boosted our morale a lot and strengthened our thinking. He has sent a very powerful message to the people due to audiences are watching this film in large numbers. So we are very thankful to the CM that it happened."

The CM and his cabinet colleagues are also likely to watch the film at a special screening at the Lok

Bhawan on May 12. Previously, Madhya Pradesh had made the movie tax-free in the state on May 6. The Kerala Story crossed the ₹50 crore mark on its fifth day of release, earning ₹11.14 crore on Tuesday at the box office. It has earned ₹56.86 crore at the domestic box office so far and will be released internationally on May 12.

After the trailer of the film was released, a petition was filed against it on grounds of 'worst kind of hate speech' and 'audio-visual propaganda'. Many political leaders slammed the film and claimed that the makers are making false claims that it is a real story and that the number '32000 women' is fake. 

Ever since the movie has been released, the team is facing backlash for being a propaganda movie. However, the makers have been continuously denying the comment and shared that the Hindi film is not ‘against Muslims or Islam’ but against terrorism instead. They made the film to share stories of victims and their families. Vipul Amrutlal also revealed that many people had changed their minds after seeing the film and had apologised afterwards.
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