Kuch Rang Pyar Ke Aise Bhi actor Shaheer Sheikh has been one of the most eligible bachelors in the industry but not anymore. The handsome hunk has finally been taken. The TV actor tied the knot with his girlfriend Ruchikaa Kapoor in a court a few days ago.
Earlier it was said that Shaheer is planning to get married in December this year, but now the duo has taken their relationship to next level. Shaheer and Ruchikaa flew to Jammu to meet the actor's
parents after their court marriage to take their blessings and later had a small ceremony in Mumbai with Richikaa's family. They are planning to have a second traditional wedding in June 2021.
Recently, Shaheer announced his engagement with Ruchikaa by sharing a cute photo on Instagram. In the picture, Shaheer is seen holding her hand which has the engagement ring as she laughs her heart out. He wrote, "#TuHasdiRaveexcited for the rest of my life..#ikigai"
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