The Varun Dhawan and Kriti Sanon starter 'Bhediya' has been the most anticipated movie of the year. Ever since the team started sharing glimpses of the film, it created next-level excitement amongst the fans. Today the teaser has been released and fans can't keep their calm to watch the whole installment. The trailer of the movie will be out on 19th October. Set to the tune of a pulsating rap, the one-minute teaser sets up the tempo for an urban legend to come to life. 

Director, Amar Kaushik took to his Instagram handle to announce the news. The

caption read, 'Iss kahani ka naam hai #Bhediya!'. The makers have definitely teased the fans with the extraordinary shots of bats flying over a house, a man being chased in the forest by a creature, a group of people chanting a prayer as the fire takes the form of a wolf and finally, a small glimpse of the wolf itself, tearing through the door, leaping onto the screen as the title splashes, Bhediya. 'Witness the awakening of the legend', the text on the screen read. The teaser ends with the date of Bhediya’s trailer: To be out on October 19 to mark Varun’s 10 years in Bollywood. 
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