Varun Dhawan and Kriti Sanon's new Bollywood film is a comedy-horror movie that will hit the big screen on November 25. The film produced under the banner of Maddock Films is an addition to the cinematic horror comedy universe of the production house and also stars Abhishek Banerjee.

The trailer begins with Varun Dhawan sleeping peacefully on his bed. A bug buzzes around him when he catches it with a snap. Next, we see his friends including Kriti Sanon and Abhishek Banerjee staring down at Varun on a hospital bed and it is revealed that he has been bitten by a wolf. In

subsequent scenes, the actor is seen transforming into a deadly beast. He builds muscles overnight and gets immense power. As the trailer proceeds, even before Varun's character could accept the changes, he is startled as his nails grow, canines peak out of his jaw and the spine cracks turning him into a wolf by night. 

The trailer is equipped with impressive VFX and promises a cinematic experience with dark visuals and a mysterious background score. By the initial looks of it, the film appears to be a mix of jump-scare horror moments with a dollop of comedy. 
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