Baby John starring Varun Dhawan in the lead role has failed the first Monday test. The action thriller, which released on Christmas, has yet to cross the Rs 50 crore mark after six days in theatres. Alongside a lacklustre audience response, the film is also grappling with the box office dominance of Pushpa 2.
According to industry tracker Sacnilk, the Atlee-produced Baby John saw a sharp decline in earnings on Monday, collecting approximately Rs 1.85 crore compared to Sunday’s Rs 4.75 crore. The film reported a modest overall Hindi occupancy of 10.77 per cent, with the majority of footfall
during night shows.
After six days, the film’s domestic earnings stand at Rs 30.50 crore, while its global collection is Rs 43 crore. Made on a reported budget of Rs 160 crore, the film faces an uphill battle. Trade experts predict that Baby John, adapted from Atlee’s Tamil hit Theri, may conclude its box office run with a total collection of Rs 60 crore.
Meanwhile, Allu Arjun’s Pushpa 2, which has been in theatres for 26 days, outperformed Baby John on Monday, earning Rs 6.65 crore on its fourth Monday alone. The film has grossed over Rs 1,760 crore worldwide.