Veteran Punjabi actor Satish Kaul, who featured in several Hindi films and shows including BR Chopra's Mahabharat, passed away on Saturday due to COVID-19 related complications. He was 74. According to Kaul's sister Satya Devi, the actor, popular for playing the role of Lord Indra in Mahabharat, was admitted to a city hospital after he developed fever six days ago. Kaul is survived by his sister.
"He died today morning due to
COVID-19 at the hospital. He had fever and wasn't keeping well. We admitted him to the hospital on Thursday and got him tested, where it turned out that he was COVID-19 positive," Satya Devi told PTI.
The actor worked in over 300 Punjabi and Hindi films including "Pyaar Toh Hona Hi Tha", "Aunty No 1" and the TV show "Vikram Aur Betaal". Kaul moved to Punjab from Mumbai and started an acting school around 2011, which wasn't a success.
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