Malayalam actor Mamukkoya passed away at a hospital in Kozhikode on Wednesday. He breathed his last around 1.10 p.m., according to the hospital authorities where he was being treated. The 77-year-old actor collapsed while taking part in a function connected with a football tournament in Malappuram district on Monday night and was immediately rushed to a hospital.

Sharing the news, trade analyst Sreedhar Pillai tweeted, "#Mamukkoya (77), one of the finest comedy actors ever in Malayalam cinema passed away. Who can forget this Kozhikode man, the epicentre of laughter in so many films? #RIP"

Mamukkoya, collapsed while in Malappuram to inaugurate the Poongod Janakeeya Sevens Football Tournament. A mob had gathered around him to take a selfie, and the actor complained of discomfort

before collapsing on the football pitch itself. He was brought to a private hospital in Kozhikode and is stated to be in good condition.

On Wednesday morning, the doctors then informed his family members that the condition of the veteran actor is getting worse and his life was sustained on the ventilator. There have been rumours that the actor had a heart attack, but there have been no official reports about this.

Mamukoya worked in a timber mill at Kozhikode and started his acting career in the theatre in 1979. In his long career, he donned the grease paint in over 450 Malayalam films and has won two state awards. The highlight of his acting career was his delivery of the Malabar dialect and his physical stature which sent people reeling in laughter, the moment he opened his mouth.
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