The Tamil film Master, starring Thalapathy Vijay and Vijay Sethupathi, has grossed over Rs 50 crore in Tamil Nadu alone within the first three days and is all set to be remade in Hindi. The film is breaking all the records at the box office. In just three days, Master has even stormed past Rs 100 cr worldwide. Trade analyst LM Kaushik tweeted, "#Master storms past 100 CR WW gross after just 3 days in running... Just #ThalapathyVijay things!... release affected in key overseas markets, 50% occupancy cap in key domestic markets."
Casting for the Hindi adaptation is expected to begin soon. Informing about the same, trade analyst Taran Adarsh tweeted: "IT'S OFFICIAL...
#MASTER #HINDI REMAKE... #Master - starring #Vijay and #VijaySethupathi - will now be remade in #Hindi... Endemol Shine India, Murad Khetani [Cine1 Studios] and 7 Screen Studio will produce the #Hindi adaptation... Casting for #Hindi remake will commence soon."
Meanwhile, Master has witnessed a huge box office opening in its first three days in Tamil Nadu.
Trade analyst Kaushik LM tweeted: "#Master smashes past the 50 CR gross mark in TN today (the third day). 3-days total TN gross will be close to 55 CR. Boxoffice Monster #ThalapathyVijay has made it look like the good-old days. Pongal time assaultuu by #MasterFilm. #MasterPongal #Thalapathy #VijaySethupathi."
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