Early morning shows in Tamil Nadu, which were a huge phenomenon and a matter of pride for film stars and fans, were stopped after the release of Varisu and Thunivu owing to the death of an Ajith fan on the first day. The government of Tamil Nadu passed an order to prohibit such shows after the unfortunate event. As the release date of Leo (October 19) is approaching, there’s an expectation among fans for early morning shows. However, producer and National Award-winning film critic Dhananjayan said that there’s no possibility for early morning shows for Leo.

In an interview with Behindwoods, the producer said the government is clear about the stand on the issue after the death of the fan around the release of Thunivu and Varisu. “There’s no chance. None at all. Tamil Nadu government has clearly said there will be no shows for any films. If they

wanted to allow it, they would have done it for Jailer, which is their film. When they haven’t given it for Sun Pictures’ film, will they give it to Leo? Why would they cut slack for Leo alone?”

He added that 9 am shows, which is the first show for many big films, have become an issue as well. “Theatres are receiving notice even for the 9 am shows now. The government is asking, ‘With whose permission are you playing shows at 9 am?’ 11:30 am is the default time for the first show in Tamil Nadu. Mark Antony is releasing this week and I asked the Green Cinemas manager if we can play a 9 am show as the film has decent buzz. He said we would be issued a notice and if I am ready to face it, we can. Who would want to face it? I said, ‘No need.’ He told me he got served for Jawan. Even the 9 am show is a special show in TN. It is not a normal show.”
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