Alia Bhatt recently made her Met Gala debut. The Bollywood actress looked breathtakingly beautiful in a white gown designed by Prabal Gurung. She walked the red carpet like a princess straight out of a fairytale. Her red carpet look went viral on social media. The actress has now revealed how she felt while making her Met Gala debut.

In an interview with News 18, Alia opened up at length about her Met Gala debut. The actress said she was making sure that she doesn't fall down on the red carpet.

"The little girl in me was just making sure that I don’t fall down on the red carpet and that I was getting enough time to pose, take a breath and enjoy the moment. It’s not about giving yourself too much pressure

and taking it seriously. It’s a massive and big deal but it was also about having fun and light on the inside, so that your face looks lit up and happy. That’s something I was focusing on. Having said that, I really had a lovely time," said Alia.

When asked if she has a magic mantra, the actress added, "I don’t know if anybody can give their secret away even if they had it. In my case, however, there’s genuinely no secret. I have a very chaotic mind. I like doing many things at once. So, you can say that it’s in my nature that I’m driven to donning many hats or at least trying to don many hats. I don’t even know if I’m doing it well or successfully or badly. I just do it because it makes me happy. It keeps me fulfilled."
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