Yami Gautam will soon be seen becoming the bride of a Gujarati boy on screen. This will be Yami's first film after her pregnancy. The actress has also shared the poster on her Instagram account on Netflix in which she has put some conditions in front of her would-be groom. This is the first look of her new film Dhoom Dham, where Yami and Pratik's characters can be seen laying some of their conditions regarding their future partner.
The name of this upcoming film of Yami
Gautam is Dhoom-Dham which is going to be streamed on the OTT platform Netflix. Sharing the poster of the film, Netflix wrote in the caption, 'Don't DM us for relationships because our marriage is going to happen with 'Dhoom Dham'. According to the poster of the film, Koyal Chaddha (Yami Gautam) and Gujarati boy Dr. Veer (Pratik Gandhi) are looking for their respective partners. For this, they have also clarified the demands in the advertisement. However, no update has come out on its release date yet.