Yami Gautam's 'Chor Nikal Ke Bhaga' has now accomplished a new feat by becoming the most-watched Indian film on Netflix. In the first two weeks following its launch, it surpassed all other Indian movies as the most watched on the platform. In just two weeks, the movie has received 29M views. The masterpieces 'RRR' and 'Gangubai Kathiawadi' have been surpassed by it. Yami took to her Instagram handle and shared the news.

Yami's post read, "#ChorNikalKeBhaga is breaking records and crossing boundaries all over the globe! Come aboard and watch the #2 movie on @netflix_in


The film's plot centers on a flight attendant and her boyfriend who become involved in an aerial robbery gone horribly wrong. With notable successes like 'Mimi' and 'Dasvi,' the movie is Maddock's third lucrative excursion with Netflix.

Here are the top 3 international hits from India within 14 days after release:

1. Chor Nikal Ke Bhaga: 29 million hours of viewing

2. RRR: 25.5 million hours of viewing

3. Gangubai Kathiawadi: 22.1 million viewers each hour
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