The release of Yodha, starring Sidharth Malhotra, Disha Patani and Raashii Khanna in the lead roles, has been postponed. The movie directed by debutant duo Pushkar Ojha and Sagar Ambre will now release in theatres on September 15, 2023. Taking to Instagram, trade analyst Taran Adarsh shared a picture which he captioned, "SIDHARTH MALHOTRA: 'YODHA' GETS NEW RELEASE DATE... #Yodha - starring #SidharthMalhotra, #DishaPatani and #RaashiiKhanna - gets new release date: In *cinemas* on 15 Sept 2023... Directed by #SagarAmbre and #PushkarOjha."

This is the second time the release date of 'Yodha' has been pushed forward. Earlier the film was first scheduled to release on November 11, 2022, post that the makers pushed the release date to July 2023 and now 'Yodha' is slated to hit the theatres on September 15. 


about 'Yodha' Sidharth earlier said, "As an artist, you would want to work on scripts that bring out the best in you. This truly unveiled a newer version of me, which I am very thankful for. The amount of love I have received from audiences and fans is magical. I can't wait to showcase what Yodha has for them." 

Apart from Yodha, Sidharth will be seen next in Rohit Shetty's directed Indian Police Force which is up for release this year on Amazon Prime. The series is said to be the web wing of Rohit's ambitious spy universe. It will stream on Amazon Prime Video, which will be the actors' first web series. The OTT series also stars Shilpa Shetty Kundra and Vivek Oberoi in pivotal roles. Both titles are likely to be released in 2023. Sidharth is also in talks for Rowdy Rathore 2, but the conversations have fallen through for varied reasons.
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