TV actor Yogesh Mahajan, who became famous with 'Shiv Shakti - Tapa Tyag Tandav', passed away on Sunday. Television and Marathi film actor died on January 19, 2025 due to sudden cardiac arrest. He was famous for his role as Guru Shukracharya in the ongoing TV show 'Shiv Shakti'. His dead body was found in his Umargaon flat after he failed to report for the scheduled shooting. He was later taken to hospital, where doctors declared Yogesh Mahajan
When Yogesh Mahajan did not reach the shoot, his colleagues got worried and reached his apartment where he was found unconscious. He was immediately rushed to the hospital but doctors declared him dead. His family later confirmed the sad news of his demise. His co-star Akanksha Rawat expressed her grief and described Yogesh as a jovial person. Everyone on the set is very shocked by his sudden death. The actor is survived by his wife and 7-year-old son who are in shock.