A Congress leader on Thursday shared a video showing a woman from Madhya Pradesh who was apparently stuck in Ukraine singing the praises of Bollywood actor Sonu Sood for lending a helping hand. Ajay Singh, a state Congress leader, tweeted the video in which the woman who hails from Rewa district of MP is heard talking about the actor's philanthropy.

“Hello, I am Shrishti Singh. We boarded a train. Sonu Sood's team has helped us hugely. It guided us at every moment. Look how many students are sitting around -- all are Indians," the woman, who seemed to be somewhere near Ukraine's borders, said.

"The train is packed with Indians. Sonu Sood is guiding us every moment. He worked day in and day out (to help the stranded Indian nationals)," she added.

The woman's praise for

the actor came at a time when the Indian government has launched "operation Ganga" to rescue the Indians stranded in Ukraine amid the Russian invasion, and deputed four central ministers for overseeing the evacuation from eastern Europe.

The Congress leader in his tweet also congratulated Sood and his team for their work.

Sood also shared some tweets speaking about him and his team's efforts to help students cross borders in the war-torn state and help them reach safe territory.

"Tough times for our students in Ukraine &  probably my toughest assignment till date. Fortunately we managed to help many students cross the border to safe territory. Lets keep trying. They need us. Thank You @eoiromania @IndiaInPoland @meaindia for your prompt help. Jai Hind," he wrote.
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