Mumbai: Global icon, diva Priyanka Chopra composed a note for the ‘Ms Marvel’ team on her social media account, earlier yesterday. Taking to her Instagram story, the ‘Bajirao Mastani’ actor expressed excitement and applauded the ‘Ms Marvel’ team, for including and reflecting South Asian actors and culture. Reposting the trailer of the series, on IG story, Priyanka wrote, “So exciting! I love @msmarvelofficial and am so excited to see it come to life. Wishing my friends and everyone involved so much luck and love.

#Represntationmatters” and also tagged the cast members of ‘Ms Marvel’-Iman Vellani, Farhan Akhtar, Fawad Khan, Aramis Knight, Rish Shah, Zenobia Shroff, Matt

Lintz and Yasmeen Fletcher. Priyanka continued by encouraging people to watch the show, stating, “Go watch #MsMarvel now!” 

‘Ms Marvel’ is among the most highly anticipated projects in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). It stars Iman Vellani as Kamala Khan, the titular heroine, a Muslim American adolescent growing up in Jersey City. Kamala is a superhero mega-fan with an enlarged imagination, especially when it comes to Captain Marvel. She is an enthusiastic gamer and a voracious fan-fiction scribe. It is a Marvel Comics-based American television miniseries created by Bisha K. Ali for the Disney+ streaming service.

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