Ram Charan and Upasana became parents today with the arrival of a baby girl. Upasana Konidela delivered a baby girl today at Apollo Hospitals in Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad. The close sources of the mega-couple Ram Charan and Upasana shared this news with the media. Even the management of Apollo Hospitals shared this on social media.
“Ms. Upasana Konidela and Mr. Ram Charan Konidela had a baby girl on June 20, 2023, at Apollo Hospitals in Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad. The baby and mother are doing well,” reads the official statement of the Apollo Hospitals management.
The Mega Boss of the
Konidela family, Chiranjeevi also shared his happiness on Twitter. He called his granddaughter “Little Mega Princess”. He said that the arrival of his granddaughter spread cheer and happiness among millions of mega family. Chiranjeevi is happy and proud to share this news with his fans.
While the mega family is filled with happiness with the delivery of Upasana, the mega fans have also started celebrating this moment across the world. A few fans have already gathered at the hospitals for the celebration. The rest are sharing their happiness on social media.