Actress Shruti Haasan has started taking fighting lessons for her role in filmmaker Sundar C’s mega budget Tamil historic drama “Sanghamitra”.
“And it begins! Fight training for ‘Sanghamitra’ with the awesome Timklotzklotz,” Shruti tweeted on Thursday.
She also shared a training video along with the tweet.
Also starring Arya and Jayam Ravi, the film will be made on a budget of Rs 150 crore.
Shruti, who is
basking in the success of Tamil actioner “SI3”, will commence shooting for “Sanghamitra” from May onwards.
“It will be the biggest project of her career so far.
She is very excited because her role will give her an opportunity to attempt something she hasn’t done so far,” a source close to Shruti had told reporters.
Being bankrolled by Sri Thenandal Films, the film will have music by A.R. Rahman.