Information and Broadcasting Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw shared that the Waves OTT app has crossed over one million downloads in a month. In a series of posts on social media on Thursday, Mr. Vaishnaw said this milestone reflects India’s unbreakable bond with its cultural roots. He highlighted that India’s OTT platform by Prasar Bharati brings a wave of nostalgia with epic shows like Ramayan and Mahabharat, while also embracing new-age content. He added that it has entertainment for every generation, from timeless shows to tech-savvy features.
The Minister named Fauji 2.0, a modern take on actor Shah Rukh Khan’s iconic show, Kicking Balls by Oscar-winning Guneet Monga Kapoor, and Jaiye Aap Kahan Jayenge as some of the highlights to watch on WAVES. He stressed that
the platform empowers like never before, from hosting content by National Creator Awardees to showcasing films from FTII, Annapurna College, and other top institutions.
He said that fun and culturally rich games like Krishna Jump and Ram the Yodha can also be played. With contributions from the Information and Broadcasting Ministry, the Finance Ministry, and other Central Government Ministries and states, WAVES brings archival gems like the documentary on the 75th anniversary of the Supreme Court, rare NFDC films, and historical archives. WAVES has partnered with CDAC, the Ministry of Electronics and IT, to raise awareness on cybersecurity with daily videos and shows like Cyber Crime Ki Duniya.