On Thursday, officials confirmed that an 80-year-old man in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, had tested positive for human metapneumovirus (HMPV) infection. The patient is currently receiving treatment at a private hospital and he does not have any travel history abroad, a statement issued by the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) said.
He was admitted to the hospital on Wednesday and his samples tested positive for HMPV on Thursday. The man has been suffering from asthma for some time and his condition is stable at present, it said.
recorded its first case of HMPV virus on January 6. On Wednesday, another suspected case was reported in Himmatnagar town of Sabarkantha district. The blood sample of the patient - an eight-year-old boy, who is currently on a ventilator in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of a private hospital in Himmatnagar - has been sent to a government hospital for confirmation, the officials said.
"The case is under screening. A sample has been sent to a government lab for confirmation, and the result is awaited," Sabarkantha district collector Ratankanvar Gadhavicharan said.