After slipping below 5,000 for a day, new COVID-19 cases again crossed the 6,000-mark in Maharashtra on Tuesday on the back of a spike in the Akola division, while 51 patients died, a multi-week high, in the state, the health department said. The state reported 6,218 new COVID-19 cases, up from 5,210 on Monday, taking the tally to 21,12,312, it
The state which has witnessed an upsurge in COVID-19 cases since February 10 -- reported 6,112 infections on February 19, followed by 6,281 on February 20 and 6,971 on February 21.
Also, Maharashtra on Tuesday reported one of the highest fatality counts in recent times at 51, taking the death toll to 51,857, said a health department official.
Which political party will win the Delhi Assembly polls to be held on Feb 5?