Karnataka continued to report an increase in number of COVID-19 cases on Sunday with 934 infections, taking the tally to 9.60 lakh while three related deaths pushed the tally to 12,390. The day also saw 609 patients getting discharged after recovery.
Bengaluru Urban remained on top of the list of positive cases with 628 infections being reported. The daily COVID-19 case count in Karnataka crossed the 900 mark on Saturday
for the first time since January 22. The state reported 921 cases, with 630 of them from Bengaluru Urban district alone.
Cumulatively 9,60,272 COVID-19 positive cases have been confirmed in the state, which includes 12,390 deaths and 9,39,499 discharges, the Health department said in a bulletin. Out of 8,364 active cases, 8,239 patients are stable and in isolation at designated hospitals, while 125 are in Intensive Care Units.
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