In Tamil Nadu, the total number of Covid-19 cases has risen to nearly six lakh nine thousand while the recoveries from the infection have come close to 5 lakh 53-thousand.

State local bodies Minister SP Velumani in a recent review meeting said that in Chennai alone, over one lakh vegetable and fruit vendors have been tested so far, to prevent the infection.

As part of the strategy to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 disease, the Chennai Corporation has tested over a lakh vendors of vegetables and fruits since mid-March. It is also

aimed at safeguarding the health of the small traders. Overall, the city civic body claims to have made the highest number of tests per million population among the major cities.

Nearly 14.25 lakh people in Chennai have undergone the diagnostic procedure using the RT-PCR kits. 1.7 lakh of them were confirmed positive and 91 percent of them have recovered. The patients under treatment at present in the city remain at a little over 12-thousand. It also boasts of holding the maximum number of medical camps.

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